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This article is a comparison of data modeling tools which are notable, including standalone. Update database and/or update model No Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler Logical, physical IDEF1X, IE (Crows feet), and more Yes Yes Update database and/or update model.
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Which is the best Open Source free client for querying an Oracle database? It may additionally support other databases (MySQL, Postgres etc), since our development environment often requires switching between different databases.
closed as not constructive by KevSep 26 '12 at 10:15
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7 Answers
I have been using the Oracle SQL Developer (because it's free) and at first hated every minute spent with it. I am still having weird problems with graphics, as it's running on Vista and there seems to be some sort of graphics driver problem (luckily, no-one can get it to run properly on Vista, so I am not alone in this), which makes its use quite cumbersome.
Nevertheless I had to learn how to cope with it and now I must admit it's a neat and very useful tool (NOT ONLY) for querying an Oracle database. I suppose you could query other DBs from it as well, for instance I have used it to query some legacy MS Access DBs, and so I believe you could query SQL Server as well.
You can do data migrations, imports/exports, see OWA output, and allegedly also DEBUG (step through, set breakpoints, etc...) PL/SQL code, but I haven't tried this. I have been fine with sqlplus command-line so far :) Do give it a try, and don't let the Vista-related graphics problems give you a wrong impression :)
Peter PerháčPeter PerháčIf by open-source you really mean free, then Oracle SQL Developer is free. However it is not open-source. It is fully supported though, we use it where I work all the time.
If you're interested you can go here for a good starting reference on its features.
Ryan ThamesRyan ThamesSQLTools is free and clean light weight
pencilslatepencilslateWhat kind of 'client' do you mean? Do you mean the actual drivers, or just an application you can get SQL results from? eg, SQuirrel SQL
Mark ByersBest Oracle Database Tool For Mac
Well Oracle provide SQL Developer for free, which is basically an Oracle IDE - lets you browse tables, code editor for PLSQL, SQL query window etc ...
If you use a mac, You can try macsequel - a native mac client for oracle.
One answer (for any platform and database) is just use ODBC. E.g. on POSIX, unixODBC. Oracle of course supports the standard with their own drivers.